Projet (2023 - 2025) : EquitES
Towards equitable Nature’s Contributions to People in the face of climate change
Team involved : BIOM
Main contact person : Margot NEYRET, Sandra LAVOREL (LECA, CNRS)
Ecosystems and biodiversity contribute to our society in many ways, such as the production of food and timber, the regulation of air and water quality, or the opportunities for outdoor recreation and the cultural values of species or landscapes. These benefits, also known as "ecosystem services" or "nature’s contributions to people", are essential to human well-being. However, access to these contributions from nature and the ability to benefit from them varies between individuals depending on their geographical location, preferences or mobility, thus creating potential disparities between social groups in terms of age, gender and income.
Climate change also poses major challenges in terms of managing and preserving ecosystems, altering their contribution to society. For example, more frequent droughts and higher temperatures could lead to reduced crop and fodder production in many European regions. The repercussions of these changes on nature’s contributions to different people and their distribution between social groups remain uncertain.
More specifically, we aim to :
1. identify the main socio-demographic factors underlying disparities in terms of access to and contribution of nature to different social groups, and their impact on their quality of life ;
2. assess the effects of different climate change scenarios on these disparities ;
3. identify nature-based solutions to mitigate these impacts while preserving biodiversity.
The study area covers the greater Grenoble region, encompassing central Isère and parts of the neighbouring departments (from Vienne to Chambéry to the Trièves).
The project is currently in its early stages and we are collecting data via an online survey that will run until summer 2024.
If you live in the study area and would like to take part, you can access the survey here :
The results of the project will be published on this page.

Recreation opportunities in beautiful landscapes, crop and livestock production, and temperature regulation by vegetation in urban areas are examples of nature’s contributions to people.
Partners :
– Berta MARTIN-LOPEZ (Leuphana University, Germany)
Master Student at LECA :
– Samuel LORMEL (2024)