ANR (2025 - 2029) : LandMine
Plant plasticity/Adaptation to contamination resulting from past Mining activities in the Alps
Team involved : MEEBIO
Platform involved : AAEM, EXAM, MEMOBIO
Main contact person : Muriel RAVETON (LECA, UGA)
Mine wastes contain significant amounts of trace metals and metalloids (TMM ; eg, Pb, As, Sb, Cd, Cu, Hg) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). In abandoned mines, dispersal of these contaminants into critical zone may allow them entering the trophic chain and threatening the ecosystems. Due to a favorable geological context, ores have been mined for millennia in mountain areas, leaving behind large volumes of wastes in an ecologically sensitive context. Even though hundreds of mines are abandoned in the French Alps, neither characterization of TMM and PAH in the mine wastes and the associated environmental consequences are not clearly established.
Partners :
- LECA - CNRS - Université Grenoble Alpes - Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Laboratoire d’Écologie Alpine)
– Muriel RAVETON
– Florian BOUCHER
– Stéphane REYNAUD
– Sylvie VEYRENC
– Frédéric LAPORTE
- ISTerre - CNRS/UGA - Grenoble (Institut des Sciences de la Terre)
– Stéphane GUEDRON
– Géraldine SARRET
– Sylvain CAMPILLO
– Marie-Christine BAILLY-MAITRE
- EDYTEM - CNRS/USMB - Chambéry (Environnements, Dynamiques et Territoires de Montagne)
– Magali ROSSI
- LRSV - CNRS/University - Toulouse (Laboratoire de Recherche en Sciences Végétales)
– Guillaume MARTI
- Jardin du Lautaret - CNRS/UGA - Grenoble
– Rolland DOUZET
– Pascal SALZE
– Maxime ROME