ANR (2019 - 2022) : HUMANI

Shared areas between recreationists and wildlife : toward an integrated management of mountain socio-ecosystem

Team involved : BIOM
Main contact person : Clémence PERRIN-MALTERRE (EDYTEM, USMB)

Summary : (

Outdoor activities create a permanent human presence in mountain territories. The increasing number of outdoor activities on mountain territory calls for a better understanding of human presence and their consequences on wildlife. This presence could indeed have negative effects on wildlife demography and mountain biodiversity. HUMANI is an interdisciplinary project that focuses on how outdoor recreation affect mountain ecosystems and from there on, provide managers with tools to better concile the development of outdoor activities with conservation and management of wildlife. It focuses on interrelationships between wildlife and both hiking (during summer and winter including snowshoe and mountaineering ski) and hunting activities. This project will identify and analyse human behavior in mountains and their different values linked to emblematic wildlife and conservation measures, while measuring the consequences of human presence on emblematic mountain wildlife, following the recommendations done by the french Biodiversity Research Foundation.

Partners :

  • EDYTEM - Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Environnements, Dynamiques et Territoires de la Montagne)

 Lionel LASLAZ

  • GEOLAB - Université Limoges (Laboratoire de Géographie Physique et Environnementale)


  • LBBE - CNRS- Université Lyon 1 (Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive)

 Aurélie COHAS
 Benjamin REY

  • LECA - CNRS - Université Grenoble Alpes - Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Laboratoire d’Écologie Alpine)


  • LLSETI - Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Langages, Littératures, Sociétés. Études Transfrontalières et Internationales)


  • ONCFS - Grenoble (Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage)

 Mathieu GAREL


PhD Students :

 Colin KEROUANTON (2015-2019), Université Grenoble Alpes, cosupervised by Anne LOISON, Clémence PERRIN-MALTERRE and Laurence Jolivet (IGN)
"Analyse de la mobilité des randonneurs en milieu de montagne et relation au paysage et à la faune sauvage"

 Léna GRUAS (2017-2020), Université Savoie Mont Blanc, cosupervised by Clémence PERRIN-MALTERRE & Anne LOISON
"Evolution des usages récréatifs des territoires de montagne et interactions avec la faune sauvage emblématique"