ANR (2010 - 2017) : Mov-it !

Ungulates MOVing across heterogeneous landscapes : identifying behavioural processes linking global change to spatially- explicIT demographic performance and management

Team involved : BIOM
Main contact person : Anne LOISON (LECA, USMB)

Summary : (

The responses of animal populations to global change are mediated by proximate behavioral processes that determine the energy budget and, ultimately, the demographic performance of individuals. Animal movement is currently considered as a key behavior for understanding, and so predicting, the responses of animals (such as shifts in spatial distribution) to global change. The plasticity of movement behavior within and among individuals is hence critical to the potential for both adaptive and non-adaptive responses of animal populations to environmental variability and change. Mov-It aims to be among the first empirical based studies (7 sites, 5 species, >1000 individuals marked with GPS-collars, 100 individuals with biologgers) to evaluate, at both intra- and inter-specific levels, how individual behavioral heterogeneity impacts movement energetics, habitat selection, and demographic responses to global change.


Partners :

  • LECA - CNRS - Université Grenoble Alpes - Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Laboratoire d’Écologie Alpine)

 Julien RENAUD

  • CEFS - INRA-Toulouse (Comportement et Écologie de la Faune Sauvage)

 Yannick CHAVAL

  • LBBE - CNRS - Université Lyon 1 (Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive)

 Jean-Michel GAILLARD
 Guillaume PERON

  • ONCFS - Grenoble (Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage)

 Mathieu GAREL
 Sonia SAÏD
 Carole TOIGO

  • SLAM - Swansea University, UK (Swansea laboratory for Animal Movement)



PhD Students :

 Agathe CHASSAGNEUX (2016-2019), Université Montpellier, cosupervised by Sonia SAÏD and Clément CALENGE
"Réponses comportementales de deux espèces d’ongulés - cerf et sanglier - à la prédation anthropique : déterminants et conséquences"

 Kamal Atmeh (2017-2020), Université Lyon 1, cosupervised by Guillaume PERON and Anne LOISON
"Rôle of life history traits and environmental heterogeneity on animal movement of ungulates"

 Juliette Seigle FERRAND (2017-2020), Université Savoie Mont Blanc, cosupervised by Glenn YANNIC and Anne LOISON
"Rôles de la structure paysagère sur la sélection d’habitat et la mobilité animale : une approche comparative chez les grands herbivores"

 Laura BENOIT (2018-2021), Université Toulouse, cosupervised by Mark HEWISON and Aurélie COULON

 Alexis MALAGNINO (2019-2021), Université Grenoble-Alpes & University of Swansea, cosupervised by Anne LOISON and Luca BÖRGER
"Uncovering intra- and inter-specific movement strategies of large herbivores living in dynamic complex landscapes"

Post-doc :
 Nicolas COURBIN(2019-2020) "Impact of human activites on ungulate movements"