Macroecology and metacommunity assembly rules : applications to biodiversity modelling and conservation
Animateur: Wilfried THUILLER
Although strong efforts have been devoted to the development of biodiversity models to meet this challenge, there are still objections to their ability to project biodiversity changes in the context of global environmental changes. Indeed, current biodiversity models rarely incorporate recent advances in ecological and evolutionary theory.
Our group specifically adresses the following questions:
- how biogeographic history and community assembly rules shape species’ ranges and biodiversity patterns ?
- how these processes interact to drive the response of populations and communities to environmental changes ?
The three main objectives and associated methods of our theme are to:
Scale: from community-plot in the Alps to global biodiversity patterns
Methods: transplant experiments, observational studies along gradients, large scale biodiversity data, simulation experiments, metabarcoding, process-based modelling, diversity-area relationships, meta-community models, network theory (link with DivAdapt, InterSpe, PaleoEnv & MALBIO).
Keywords: dynamics and structure of meta-communities and ecosystems; functional biogeography, network theory, big data.
Scale: from community plots in the Alps to global
Methods: development of statistical approaches of multi-trophic biodiversity data from metabarcoding and large-scale biodiversity surveys, development of process based models to simulate biodiversity dynamics at landscape scales, theoretical developments. (link with InterSpe)
Keywords: theorisation, conceptualisation, model developments, species vs community-levels.
Scale: landscape to continental
Keywords: newly developed models from previous objectives, collection of biodiversity data, reserve selection algorithm, scenarios (global change, disturbance, invasion), conservation (gap analysis, system conservation planning), local actors (Parks, CBNs).
Qui est impliqué ?
– Stéphane BEC
– Sébastien LAVERGNE
– François MUNOZ
– Wilfried THUILLER
– Marie-Pascale COLACE
– Ludovic GIELLY
– Julien RENAUD
Quels sont les projets en cours ?