Master BEE

Persons in charge :
 Filière BEE : Stéphane REYNAUD
 M1 : François POMPANON
 M2 DynaMo : François MUNOZ
 M2 GE : Stéphane REYNAUD

The Master Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution is carried by LECA.
It aims to train researchers and ecological engineers specialized in Biodiversity sciences.

The job opportunities are :

  1. in research :
    >> directly with the Master’s degree for engineer positions,
    >> after a thesis as a teacher-researcher (in universities), or as a researcher or engineer (in the many research organisations related to biodiversity : CNRS (INEE), IRSTEA, INRA, CIRAD, IFREMER, ONCFS...).
  2. as a project manager in a public (CEN, parks and reserves, local authorities...) or private (consultancy firm, company) structure.

In the second year, two courses are offered :
 Dynamics and Modelling of Biodiversity (DynaMo)
 Environmental Management (GE)