Mathematics and algorithms for the study of biodiversity

Animator: Eric COISSAC

MALBIO aims to promote the development of new mathematical, statistical and computer science approaches to analyze NGS sequence data in the context of research in ecology.

Whatever the final objective, NGS are renewing research efforts in DNA sequence analysis as the volume of data challenges classical algorithms and also increases its range of application. LECA is providing a strong environment facilitating a concentration of efforts on the development of algorithms related to intra and inter specific biodiversity evaluation.

Three main axes are developed:

  1. Development of algorithms for DNA metabarcoding.
  2. Development of algorithms for analyzing low coverage genome sequences
  3. Development of algorithms to analyze individual whole genome resequencing

Methods: clustering algorithms, supervised classifications, assembling algorithms, k-mer statistics, graph theory, statistical inferences.

Who is involved ?

Researchers / Professors :

 Florian BOUCHER
 Christelle GONINDARD

Research assistants :

 Frédéric BOYER


What are the ongoing projects ?
