Scientific manager : Jean-Philippe DAVID
Technical expertise : Thierry GAUDE

This scientific research infrastructure acquired by LECA in 2015 is located on the campus of Grenoble-Alpes University. It allows breeding and experimentation on tropical insects in confined environments (confinement standards P2).
This platform includes several independent insectariums for which temperature, hygrometry and photoperiod parameters can be rigorously controlled. It also includes a room dedicated to insect experimentation and bioassays (total area 52 m2) but also common areas for the storage of biological samples, care and maintenance.
The main research projects developed focus on the biology of mosquitoes, particularly tropical species with a high health impact. This work focuses in particular on the genetics of the adaptation of mosquitoes to biocides and pollutants, but also on their expansion dynamics, ecology and evolution.

- Maintenance and breeding of tropical mosquitoes
- Bioassays with insecticides (WHO and CDC standards)
- Manipulations and experiments on mosquitoes (physiology, sexing, crossbreeding, selection and experimental evolution, etc.)
Who is involved ?
Researchers / Professors :
– Jean-Philippe DAVID
Research assistants :
– Thierry GAUDE
Who is using it ?
Researchers / Professors :
– Jean-Philippe DAVID
What are the ongoing projects ?