Amphibians Experimentation
Scientific manager : Sylvie VEYRENC
Technical expertise : Sylvie VEYRENC
Technical skills, equipment
Housing Amphibians
The entity is composed of several independent rooms for which the environmental conditions are controlled (temperature, hygrometry, photoperiod). The allocation of each room is dedicated to a particular species : Green frog (Pelophylax kl. Esculentus), Red frog (Rana temporaria), Xenopus (Xenopus tropicalis).
The zootechnical expertise associated with this entity is :
- Maintenance and hygiene of premises and equipment
- Management of care and feeding of amphibians
- Exposure to the physical or chemical parameters studied in environmental conditions.
- Handling and monitoring of amphibians (functional traits, sex ratio, reproduction)

Ecophysiology - Ecotoxicology
The entity provides expertise in setting up protocols for studying the physiology of amphibians in response to environmental stresses.
The skills listed below correspond to protocols developed on the Amphibian model :
– Ecotoxicological tests (EC50)
– Metabolic disorders :
- Glucose tolerance, pyruvate and insulin sensitivity test
- Glycogen dosage on tissue extract
- ELISA test : determination of plasma insulin, testosterone determination, etc.
- Enzymological test : measurement of the enzymatic activities of the liver (ALAT transaminases...)
– Histology
- Tissue cryopreservation
- Tissue sections (cryotome)
- Standard and special colours (HE, PAS, ORO...)
- Identification of proteins of interest by immuno-labelling and interpretation
Functioning, pricing (if applicable)
The conditions of care and use of amphibians comply with national and European regulations on the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for scientific purposes (Directive 2010/63 ; Decree 2013-118). LECA is a member of the Animal Welfare Committee. Furthermore, LECA is a member of the Network for the Sanitary Study of Aquatic Model Animals (RESAMA) which works in collaboration with VETOFISH (aquaculture fish farming Veterinarians Group).
The use of the EXAM platform is subject to authorisation. Users must attend monthly technical meetings to monitor the application of the regulations, organise the use of the premises and keep abreast of technical developments. For all information on services or prices, please contact Sylvie VEYRENC.
Who is involved ?
– Sylvie VEYRENC
Who is using it ?
– Muriel RAVETON
– Stéphane REYNAUD
– Sophie SRODA
– Sylvie VEYRENC
What are the ongoing projects ?